Pets Health

Linus and Lulu
I have learned so much about dogs and animals through these two gorgeous dogs. They have had when younger, Kennel Cough, Conjunctivitis, Bee sting, Vomiting and diarrhoea, Strained muscle all not an issue using Homeopathy.
When Linus was not even a year old, he managed to be bitten by a brown snake where he howled, vomited and collapsed. I raced him to the emergency vet but on the way gave him a Homeopathic remedy Lachesis. He came around but very weak. The vet said it was classic snake bite – tested his blood for clotting issues and muscles for damage. All clear. The vet said he could go downhill so to leave him overnight. I declined and took him home but agreed if he did get worse I would certainly come straight back. I continued the remedy and over the next 24 hours he was good. Not 100% he still limps on his back leg but runs around and his energy isn’t as good as Lulu’s. This taught me how powerful homeopathy is and helped me trust this medicine even more.
A couple of years after this, we traveled to Queensland where I worked at the Woodford Festival. Lulu wasn’t travelling well but we couldn’t work out what it was. Then 2 days later in the morning she couldn’t use her back legs. She was paralysed. Then I knew it was a paralysis tick. Back to emergency vet and I also called the homeopaths that live in the area. We made a remedy from the tick and alternated it with another remedy. 12 hours later she could stand but was very wobbly. It probably took her a good month to get a lot better. Now she’s very healthy, they both eat organic home made food and treats.
They have both taught me that Homeopathy is so profoundly effective that I couldn’t imagine our lives without it.

Puppy’s Health
Puppies are usually between 8-12 weeks when they come in to our lives. They are full of energy, fun and sharp puppy teeth. Just like human babies, their digestive and immune systems are still developing, so they are more susceptible to particular diseases or conditions. For this reason it’s good to be aware of conditions that we can identify and use homeopathy for so their little bodies can be brought back in to balance in a vital healthy state. Homeopathy has been used for puppies in cases such as:
- Vomiting and diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Itchy skin
- Itchy ears
- Paw licking
- Fleas and mites
- Dental problems such as Tartar
- Bites and stings
- Burns
- Picky eaters
- And so much more….
For emotional issues, such as anxiety, anger, excessive barking, attacking other dogs, this requires a long constitutional consultation. These are conducted over Zoom for an hour at least to get a complete picture of your puppy / dog as to their personality, what they like or don’t like, eating habits etc.
Kits available as well as individual remedies, herbal teas for pets and nutritional advice.

Dog’s Health
Once out of the puppy stage, dogs become more resilient. Their digestive and immune systems are mature and are not as susceptible to the same issues as puppies. They can still suffer from:
- Allergies – itchy skin, ears, sneezing
- Vomiting
- Constipation or diarrhoea
- Fleas
- Worms
- Bites and stings
- Tartar and other dental issues
- Conjunctivits
- Anal gland issues
- And so on……
If your dog has behaviour issues such as anger or aggression to other dogs or humans, anxiety, excessive licking particular spots, grief or adjusting to a new life – especially rescue dogs – your dog could really benefit from a constitutional consultation. Here we will Zoom so we can see your dog and discuss their particular personality, likes, dislikes, any physical health issues and come to a specific remedy to match your dog’s temperament and help them come back in to balance – both emotionally and physically.

Nutrition For Dogs
Food is medicine for dogs just as much as it is for humans. What your dog eats is intimately connected to their health so the good news is that many health issues can be addressed simply by changing their food. Think about how dogs would have eaten before they came to live with us in our homes. They ate raw food, pre digested food of the animal they fed on. This means their diet consisted of fruit, vegetable, nuts and seeds and some grains. This food would have all been human grade food. The label ‘Pet Food’ is often a license to add all kinds of extras that require no labelling. So simply changing to a diet of raw, human grade food can resolve so many issues.
As a Naturopath and Homeopath, there are many foods we can add or remove from the current diet to help with some allergies, digestive issues and behaviour. Your dog may be intolerant to some foods so we can do a test for this which will fast track discovering exactly what it is that may be causing the issue.
Another test we can do is HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis). This shows any issues with heavy metals or mineral imbalances that may be present.
There is also a food test you can do to see if your dog is intolerant to any foods. We get the human test done on ours as that’s the only food we feed them.